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Custom Admin UI Navigation

In this guide, we'll show you how to create a custom Navigation component to be rendered in the Admin UI.

By the end of this guide you should have a custom Navigation component rendering in the Admin UI with a custom route pointing to the KeystoneJS docs. finished custom navigation example

Adding the custom navigation component to the Admin UI

The first thing you'll need to do is to specify an /admin/config.ts file in the root of your Keystone project.

Reference your custom Navigation component in the export as so.

// /admin/config.ts
import type { AdminConfig } from '@keystone-6/core/types'
import { CustomNavigation } from './components/CustomNavigation'
export const components: AdminConfig['components'] = {
Navigation: CustomNavigation

Creating your custom Navigation component

The next step is to create our CustomNavigation React component. In the root of your project create a new tsx file at /admin/components/CustomNavigation.tsx.

Here we'll export our CustomNavigation component as a named export.

// admin/components/CustomNavigation.tsx
import type { NavigationProps } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation({ lists }: NavigationProps) {
return (
{/* ... */}

Keystone will pass the following props to this component.

type NavigationProps = {
lists: ListMeta[]

For more information on the props, please see the Navigation Props section of this guide.

Setting up the layout

Next we'll want to import some components that Keystone provides to help us build our custom Navigation.

import { NavigationContainer, NavItem, ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'

The NavigationContainer component provides a container around your navigation links.

  • Make our CustomNavigation component look and feel like the default Admin UI Navigation component.
import { NavigationContainer, NavItem, ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
import type { NavigationProps } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation({ lists }: NavigationProps) {
return (
{/* ... */}

For more information on the NavigationContainer see the NavigationContainer section of the component docs below.

Rendering NavItems for Keystone lists

The ListNavItems component takes the provided Array of lists and renders a list of NavItems. We'll use this component to help us easily create NavItems from Keystone lists.

import { NavigationContainer, NavItem, ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
import type { NavigationProps } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation({ lists }: NavigationProps) {
return (
<ListNavItems lists={lists}/>
{/* ... */}

For more information on the ListNavItems component, see the ListNavItems section of the component docs below.

Adding additional routes

The NavItem component is a thin styling and accessibility wrapper around the Link component from Next.js. We'll use this component to render our custom route as well as the Dashboard route.

import { NavigationContainer, NavItem, ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
import type { NavigationProps } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation({ lists }: NavigationProps) {
return (
<NavItem href="/">Dashboard</NavItem>
<ListNavItems lists={lists}/>
<NavItem href="">
Keystone Docs

For more information on the NavItem component, see the NavItem section of the component docs below.

Note When opting into a custom Navigation component you will need to specify a NavItem for the Dashboard page (the / route).

Putting it all together

With all that done, your Custom Navigation component should be good to go, and your /admin folder should look like this.

// admin/components/CustomNavigation.tsx
import { NavigationContainer, NavItem, ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
import type { NavigationProps } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation({ lists }: NavigationProps) {
return (
<NavItem href="/">Dashboard</NavItem>
<ListNavItems lists={lists}/>
<NavItem href="">
Keystone Docs
// admin/config.ts
import { AdminConfig } from '@keystone-6/core/types'
import { CustomNavigation } from './components/CustomNavigation'
export const components: AdminConfig['components'] = {
Navigation: CustomNavigation

Start up your Keystone project, and you should see Custom Navigation with a route to the KeystoneJS docs in the Admin UI. finished custom navigation example

The rest of this guide will elaborate on some of the details around the helper components Keystone provides and the Navigation props that we glossed over in the main guide.

This section is to provide more granular information around the props that Keystone passes to your Custom Navigation component.

export const CustomNavigation = ({ lists }) => {}

Keystone passes the following props to your custom Navigation component:

type NavigationProps {
lists: ListMeta[]

lists is an array of Keystone list objects. Internally Keystone filters through your lists and ensures that only visible lists are passed through to you in the lists array prop.

type ListMeta = {
/** Used for optimising the generated list of NavItems in React */
key: string
/** href to the list route in the Admin UI. */
path: string
/** Used as the label for each list generated NavItem */
label: string
/** Other properties exists, but these are the ones that are relevant to the Navigation implementation */
type Lists = ListMeta[]


Keystone exposes a variety of helper components to make building out your custom Admin UI Navigation component easier. These are:

This component renders containing markup around your navigation links.

import { NavigationContainer} from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'
export function CustomNavigation ({ lists }) {
return (
{/* ... */}


This component takes the provided array of lists and renders a list of NavItems.

import { ListNavItems } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'

The lists object has the following type:

type ListNavItemProps = {
lists: ListMeta[]
include: string[]

If an include prop is supplied, the component will only render out lists that match the list keys specified in the include array.

const CustomNavigation = ({ lists }) => (
<ListNavItems lists={lists} include={["Task"]} />

example of navigation with include prop values

Otherwise, all lists will be added.

const CustomNavigation = ({ lists }) => (
<ListNavItems lists={lists} />

example of navigation without include prop values

This component is a thin styling and accessibility wrapper around the Link component from Next.js

import { NavItem } from '@keystone-6/core/admin-ui/components'

It expects the following props:

type NavItemProps = {
// The path or URL to navigate to
href: string,
// React children of the component
children: ReactNode,
// Toggles on the selected style and aria-current attribute of the NavItem
isSelected: boolean

By default the isSelected value will be evaluated by the condition router.pathname === href. Pass in isSelected if you have a custom condition or would like more granular control over the "selected" state of Navigation items.